Parking movie is a Drama Thriller film and the film was released in Tamil language. Parking film revolves around an elderly man and a young man, with a romantic angle in the film, full of emotions. The film Parking deals with an elderly man and a young man, who live floor-wise on rent in the same house. Their fight turns out to be a fight for parking space. The film is full of ego clashes and frustrations. The concept of the film is unique and the script is excellent. The action side of the cast is also fantastic.

Parking movie Box Office Collection

The budget of the film is approximately 6 crores. The budget of the film is approximately 6 crores. Parking movie’s first day box office collection is 0.35 crores. The film has completed its 5 days. The film received rave reviews from the filming aspect, the storyline and the cast’s performance.


Collection (cr)

Day 1

0.35   rough data

Day 2

0.74   rough data

Day 3

0.73   rough data

Day 4

0.27   rough data

Day 5

0.1-0.2 rough data


Parking Movie has collected a net box office collection of 2.07 crores. Parking is directed and written by Ramkumar Balakrishnan. The film was produced by Sudhan Sundaram, K. S. Sinish. The film stars Harish Kalyan, M.S. Bhaskar, Rama Rajendra, Induja, Prarthana Nathan are present. Cinematography is done by Jiju Sunny and editing is done by Philomin Raj. Sam CS The music is composed by and the film is made under the banner of Passion Studios Soldiers Factory. Parking film was released on 1 December 2023. The satellite rights of the film are with Star Vijay and the digital rights are with Disney + Hotstar.


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By rs

👋 Hey there! I'm a digital marketing whiz and an avid blog writer! ✍️ I love exploring the captivating world of social media and finding innovative ways to connect with people online. 💻 From strategizing engaging campaigns to crafting compelling content, I'm all about creating a buzz in the digital realm. 🚀

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